Wednesday 26 February 2014

Last week, things happened and I even started getting some small glimmer of hope that I might be warm this winter!  But I didn’t get the happenings blogged – and they need to be so here goes!
Ryan and Andy got the verandah insulated and roofed – just the flashings to do:

You might remember we are using Albany Wool Batts for our non-strawbale insulation – the guys are saying it is good to work with – and it is ‘close to natural’ which is why we chose it.  I do like the decrease in modification in trying to choose environmentally friendly materials.  Wouldn’t it be good though if there was a full and open public disclosure on life-cycle analysis, to make choosing so much simpler.  Actually, wouldn’t it be good if there were life cycle analyses!   The quandary here is that I have heard that the wool might be sourced overseas.
Michael’s parents visited last week along with his aunty, so they were working hard too – painting that ply with the sealer and putting up the black dampcourse on the wood frame – that one’s a big job (all the verticals and horizontals, inside and out), so we shared the love around ;-)


They worked too quick for us though – we were out of paint on day 2!
Man, they did do a lot of work!!  We love them for it of course!!

Oh, and Michael and I were trying to do our share in amongst all this hard work – more electrics, more sanding, more pickups…and somewhere along the line, he managed to get that bit of tubing in the pantry ceiling – it is the ‘exhaust’ for our earth-tube cooling J.

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