Saturday 14 November 2015

Tired…just the usual ya know…

But time to update:

Our beautiful Pepper :-).  She is so much fun and we love her to BITS!!

The Chookens are very entertaining :-) - especially me trying to work out if they are gals or guys!  I am now thinking Rosie Posie is our only girl and not a Roger Poger at all!!  Here they are today – the Wyandottes are still in the ‘ugly duckling’ phase, but the Brahmas are looking very pretty.

If you can enlarge the photo you will see:  Twilight at the front left, then (clockwise) Peggy (who is the boss – and probably a boy seeing as wattles are definitely developing red!); then Midnight (blacker Wyandotte); Fred the other black Wyandotte, then Sunset and finally Rosie Posie who has the most developed comb but it is certainly still very yellow, so it looks like she is a girl.   As I said, she might be the only one, I think…gotta check their legs, that is apparently another way to tell before they crow…

Sunflowers are still pretty in all their stages :-)

I just love this one (it is not the one above, but a different one):

Look at all that shaggy gorgeousness!

Most everything in our garden has gone to seed, so that is good for having lots of chook food :-).  I am very, very behind on getting in a summer crop – still hoping I will get some seeds started this coming week – and in anticipation, we got this potting bench sorted today :-) – yay!!

And it has had a coat of Sikkens, so is looking slick now and will be ready tomorrow to be put into service.  We plan to put it next to Cluckingham Palace and build a lean-to roof over it and have outdoor blinds around it to be a year-round hot house :-).  Very excitement!!

And of course, it is spring – so cleaning is happening.  It might be a big one because I am reading some of the minimalist, major de-clutter blogs!!  The family has been warned.
First up – the kitchen benches :-):

Pray it lasts!!!

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