I made soap:
(It should look nicer when it has finished cooling)
Picked vegetables:

(With a helper J)
Made a vege pasta sauce and pickled beetroot J:

Planted potatoes and transplanted some self-sown tomatoes (even though it is way too late to be planting them, I like to give them a go – they went to the effort to sprout after all). Sowed some carrot seeds amongst those transplanted tomatoes. Staked up some other tomatoes that I planted a few weeks ago – they are a fast-growing roma, and are already flowering, so we may be lucky and get some more before the cold sets in.
Finished the fruit string bag:

It works J - and I liked it so much I have already started another.
And the normal everyday things – 3 loads of washing, topped up the compost bins with straw, helped the hubby feel a bit better by letting him sleep most of the day (he has ‘flu – a real one L).
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