But it was obviously better to get some waterproofing layer that did the job properly (you can see the nice shiny smoothness in the background):

Sooooo - 4 and a half rooms all lovely wood floors
to look at and love J in the first week. Half a room…mmm, the jarrah floorboards we
picked up (from the Salvage yard even though they are brand new – seconds, that
is) had some character and we knew we would be lucky to get away with the tight
square metreage amount that was available.
We took all the 72m2 available at the salvage yard - for the
68 m2 flooring we needed – so only 4m2 to ‘play with’ and
we ended up about 5m2 short now.
We were so lucky to find enough locally to finish off, and Michael got
to install them too (I helped a little, it was hard work!)
Soooooo – 39mm of rain one night last week – plenty to
water in the septic tanks and leach drains - again – but dang, one of the
septic tanks developed a lean – so it needed to be levelled out. 
So much work that doesn’t really seem to be a step
forward! Oh well, there *is* always good
isn’t there? Our lovely neighbour, Terry, leant
us his brand new sump pump and Michael was able to rig up the block and tackle
on some planks suspended across from the tractor to the far bank, and he
managed to get it all straightened back up again, after 3 days of work.... but yay!
And Michael had already had the leach drain all
beautifully levelled too:
And had got onto the pick to take out some more of
the clay wall so they could sit in a straight row:

But we still had to call in the big digger – again (this is Jo, our neighbour's, dad):
The leach drains were about 1m too short (only because we changed over to the plastic ones and you need 14.7m compared to 12 m for concrete) – we knew we were close – and even though Michael is certainly no stranger to hard, digging work, there was no way he could dig through another metre of mud and rock hard gravel.
Sooooo – still plenty of rainy days lately and still
very high humidity in the house. The doors
were being kept open of course as wood flooring got cut etc – but Desmond has
Kenny to help now – so the humidity drops right down to ~55% overnight.

I hope that is enough to encourage the lice to live outside instead!! With a life cycle of 21 days we need to keep the humidity down for about 3 weeks to see if they really are dying off – it’s a lesson in patience for me :-/! It does look like there are much, much fewer bodies on the tiles over the last couple of days – but I am needing to see zero to believe they are gone!
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