Sunday, 4 May 2014

So, this is today…and it started with a falling star in the east when I woke up at 4.45sm – that has got to be a good omen, eh?
Since this is mostly a building blog, I had better get some building photos on here too:

Our bath is bricked in, the floor screeded and tiling has progressed! 


So happy to see that, because as soon as we have grouted tiles in the kitchen area we are moving in our second-hand jarrah kitchen cupboards – and that will be a big relief, because it has been quite a lot of ferrying them around under the verandah to escape the few rain showers we have had so far - and they are just a tad massively heavy!

Can’t wait for them to be in J.
So, this might be mostly a building blog, but be warned - it will slowly turn into a gardening blog, because that will be our biggest ongoing adventure when we are actually living in sunny strawbales.

And you wouldn’t want to miss out on seeing Michael being a hamster, would you now?

That is how he moved our fifth water tank garden bed into place – worked quite well. 
Then I got on with painting it with the water-proofing gunk (still so much happier that it is ‘nicer’ than the smelly stuff we had first off) – and today we filled it quarter full with rubbish sand (just to save on how much good stuff we need to fit in), then a quarter of cardboard (we’ve been saving all our recycling paper and cardboard for over a year), then it had a good layer of straw (what else?!) with some chook poop, and now it is sitting for a bit until I get the urge to add a six-inch layer of Mumby Magic mixed with some good sand, another thin layer of straw(!), another layer of Magic and sand, and then….a good layer of straw to mulch the top!!

It sure does take quite a bit of stuff to fill them up – but the benefit to my back and knees will be well worth it – and it is good to use up some of what we have around the block.
We will still have too much straw (this is just the loose stuff!):

 but hey, the garden is young, so this won’t’ go astray in the next year or so.
And we actually need a sixth water tank garden bed – to complete the mandala – so if you know of one (about 6’ wide – that is 1.8m-ish), let us know please J.

And after the gardening, we painted – and still plenty more to go…only two walls in the whole house that have their second coat – and they look like they need a third, so I guess that means everything will get a third coat :-/
We will need to be progressing soon from gardening and painting to plumbing – because without the plumbing, we won’t be able to move in!  And that is kinda the whole point!!

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