Wow, what a busy few days!
Ryan and Andy finished flashing the roof (that could
sound bad to some – but in context it is good and correct LOL). And I love our finials J. That is one of the patterns in Christopher
Alexander’s Pattern Language (the book I keep saying you should read if you are
thinking of building a house).

Then the gyprockers finished the three coats of
plaster so the walls all look pretty now J - they are back
tomorrow to a final sanding to finish off.

And Michael, Andy and I spent time getting strawbales in. We let Ryan and Andy have a few days off so we could do this job to catch up a bit before we need them again but Andy volunteered to help out for several hours today – what a champion! And I mean CHAMPION because this is no easy job!
There is nothing elegant about trying to get those
strawbales vertically into the wall frames – it is just pure, brute, strength
(from menfolk, not me…).
It looks something like this:
And this:

And we use these whackers too!

Andy has his own method – which works well too.

Now despite it being way beyond possible for any of
us to get the strawbales in easily, we did get the kids to attempt one bale
each into their bedroom walls ;-)
They had fun trying at least!
And my job has been to fill the gaps between the
bales with the loose straw – no shortage of that stuff around here I tell you!

At the end of two massive days of baling – there is
one wall complete – and 4 others over half complete – and we estimate we have about
150 bales to go. Roll on the weekend
when we can get them all in J.
If you are free, come on down, friends and family
are always welcome to join in the fun!
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