Saturday, 31 December 2016

Two of my best gifts this year were a bushwalking guide book and a new, wee camera. 

So I have been testing them out – the beauty out there is simply stunning and we have enjoyed the two wonderful walks we have been on so far. 

Just check out these amazing photos – most from my new point and click, a few from my Honey’s digital SLR (I did say to him I was a bit disappointed he took better photos than me (we took the same scenes a few times)…so I will just say it is the difference in the cameras – or it could be he is better than me…???!).


And our absolute favourite moment – watching a pod of dolphins surfing!  Weren’t we just blessed?!
(PS – all of these photos are as the cameras took them (except for some straightening of horizons where needed.  I didn’t need to do anything at all to those colours!).

Friday, 30 December 2016

I remember lastyear that I wrote we got a Christmas miracle in the form of visiting wild birds.   This year it is Christmas Cannas:


This plant is from my Aunty’s garden and she planted from her mum’s (my grandmother), so these two blooms are so very special to me – a Christmas miracle sent from heaven.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

And since it is within the 12 days of Christmas, I am not late with either greeting :-).

We do hope you enjoyed your celebrations as we did.  Our Christmas Day was full of joy and relaxation – and you can’t ask for more than that!

This year’s Christmas Tree:

Isn’t it lovely?!  It needed a bit of re-inforcing to hold its shape, but that is to be expected.

I made new Christmas stockings this year – using a hand crocheted lace tablecloth from my Grandmother’s house – they turned out just as I pictured them :-)


Oh, and you might notice an impending hearth upgrade…yep, a few more courses - just so the stockings can be hung at a good height – these things are important you know?!!

This year, we decided to focus on desserts ;-)!! 

They were superbly yum!!  (Made by the eldest, she is a fantastic cook!).  And of course, we would have saved you some…but…

In recompense, I leave you with a Christmas photo of our beautiful Pepper:

Wishing you all the best, from our family to yours!  XX

Friday, 9 December 2016

All I want for Christmas is….

To not pick up any more pavers!!!

Still, can’t complain about the price ;-) – more freebies - for paving up to and around the clothes line…one day…

And we picked them up just in time…Michael has a pretty big cut on his finger now courtesy of the electric sander, so he is out of action for a few days.  

Thursday, 8 December 2016

I am very happy that I have always insisted on a full house clean before we put up the Christmas decorations. 
It might have taken a tad longer this year but it sure worked for me with everyone helping and doing such a good job!

Some rooms are still a work in progress of course…but there is red and green and sparkle out in the clean ones already J.

Very happy to have the Santas out and looking forward to choosing our tree soon.