Monday, 17 August 2015

The ongoing seedling experiment is proving interesting.  I am very new at raising seedlings with any objective, so I am finding it all good fun to watch it unfold.
Here are the latest photos:


The little pots are coming along nicely.  
We have even had some chives sprout – which I am as super excited about as I am about the pea seedlings.  We eat a lot of chives and I don’t have nearly enough to match our consumption – so this is good.


But as much as the potted seedlings are coming along – the cloched seedlings have just taken off!!


So it looks to me like we are heading towards a clear winner.  Being snug and warm seems to suit them as much as it does me J (must work on keeping me snugger and warmer!).
And a final garden photo for this week – we have plum blossoms and leaves J:

This is our double-grafted plum-plumcot – we hope we will be able to tell which side is which when we get some fruit.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Busy, busy, busy!!!

It's International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend and my Honey has been playing radios with mates :-).  Stunning day for it!


Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Seed raising experiment one week on – I’ll let the pictures tell the story:

Seeds in pots:

 Seeds in garden bed, in cloches:


There is even a pea seed starting to sprout in there J.
So - new part to the experiment!  Seed pots now in cloches!!


Seems the warmth and protection made a difference – though I should have accounted for the different soil too I suppose – next time…
The seed pots did actually sprout some pak choi:


And when I checked them at the end of the day, there were two wee pea seeds starting to poke through – interesting…
And since I have never grown a mulberry before, I didn’t know that leaf budding meant fruit budding too J:


Will have to bird net soon.